Short skirts. Mini skirts.
Hot Pants. Sixties fashion.
International Association of Fully Clothed Naturists - seems like a contradiction in terms! How can you be clothed and yet nude?
Many of our members wear minimum clothing. For ladies this means halter dresses, short skirts, mini skirts and hot pants. Many buy cheap sixties fashion from second hand clothes shops.
More info on mini skirts and sixties fashion coming very soon!
How to be nude with your clothes on. |
Clothes for nudists |
Many fashion houses and shops cater for the needs of fully clothed naturists.
Where can you practice fully clothes nudism |
Where can you be nude with your clothes on?
mini skirts hot pants short skirts sixties fashion mini skirts hot pants short skirts sixties fashion
How to join the International Association of Fully Clothed Naturists |
mini skirts hot pants short skirts sixties fashion naturism nudism non nude short skirt fully clothed fashion
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