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No animals were eaten, killed, maimed, wounded, slightly injured, experimented on, tortured, eaten, sacrificed, frightened, bullied, teased, humiliated, tickled, upset, ravished, tantalized, pulled out of a hat, dishonoured or criticised during the making of this website. Some jokes however were severely tortured in an effort to make them funny. |
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This weeks weirdest site :Worst Job (and you thought your job was bad!) |
Weird Website Jokes Pictures and Poems Archive : over 100,000 jokes, 50,000 poems,
50,000 riddles, 20,000 pictures, 10,000 funny articles and 2 combine harvesters.
Weird News |
Loch Ness Monster Spotted at Swimming Pool - too mean to pay!
Tourists and townspeople spot Nessie leaving Loch Ness each for a refreshing dip. Pool attendant admits that the monster has never paid the admission fee. While swimming at the pool, Nessie has shown no signs of aggression - except to a group of retired, marble-playing marine biologists. FULL STORY
Scientists Find Link Between Eating and Death
Scientists in Australia reported Saturday that Stage One of their ongoing research in the apparent link between eating and death is now complete. Scientists and others across the globe are worried what these findings mean for mankindís future. Put simply the research shows that if you eat you will die. Researchers hope for a substantial amount of future funding to continue delving deeper into their studies. FULL STORY
Great site of the Week |
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Stupid Laws
Joke of the Week |
Best Friend Joke A man walks into a bar and orders a triple scotch. As the bartender pours the drink, he remarks, "That's quite a heavy drink. What's the problem?"
After quickly downing his drink, the man replies, "I found my wife in bed with my best friend."
'Wow," says the barkeep. "What did you do about it?" "I walked over to my wife, looked her in the eye, told her to pack her stuff, and get the hell out."
"That makes sense," remarks the barkeep... "And, what about your best friend?"
"I looked him right in the eye and yelled, "Bad Dog" |
Weird-Websites page of the day |
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Weird Site Du Jour |

Ghost Pictures - amazing NAT URIST ghosts !!! Be warned !! No clothes on these ghosts.
Recent winners of the Weird Website of the Week Award
Ghost stories - unbelievable true ghost stories
International Association of Fully Clothed Naturists - what do they wear?
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Weird Web Sites Du Jour
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Horoscope Online : Nothing is more bizarre than the future turning out as you expect.
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Weird Riddle Du Jour |
Take part in the world's biggest
Online Telepathy ExperimentCarefully follow the instructions below and I will read your mind and place your answer on a webpage:
* Think of a number between 2 and 9
* Multiply the number by 9
* Add the two digits together
* Subtract 5 from the number you now have
* Convert the number into a letter:
* Think of a European Country starting with that letter
* Now think of the second letter of that country
* Think of an animal that starts with that letter
(This must be an animal - not a bird - so if you are thinking of an eagle think again!)
* What colour is your animal?
** Now concentrate carefully on your answers
Click here and I will read your mind!!
Weird eBay Auctions Du Jour - a few MUST BUYS on eBay auctions
Current Auctions - Click on text to go to auction. |
Charity auction - advertisement opportunity
Tony Blair in drag
Angelina Jolie's Foetus Picture
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clone of rock star
hypnotise the girl next door!! (Better than trying to chat her up!!)
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Pope John Paul ll *image* Holy Ghost golden mystic
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Own your very own Jesus Petroglyph
A few from the eBay auction archive. Click here for more weird auctions.
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part from a UFO
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Weird Poem du Jour |
Times Tables by Stuart Macfarlane
Two ones are two,
Two twos are four,
Donít fancy Jenny any more,
Two threes are six,
Two fours are eight,
Think Iíll ask Mary for a date,
Two fives are ten,
Two sixes are twelve,
Two sevens are fourteen,
She looks just like a beauty queen,
Two eights are sixteen,
Two nines are eighteen,
With hair of brown and eyes of green,
Two tens are twenty,
Two elevens are twenty-two,
I íll ask here once this lessonís through,
Two twelves are twenty-four,
Three ones are three,
Three twos are six,
I will maybe ask her to the pics,
Three threes are nine,
Three fours are twelve,
Three fives are fifteen,
Three sixes are eighteen,
But mustnít let her think that Iím too keen,
Three sevens are twenty-one,
Three eights are twenty-four,
Even thou sheís the one that I adore,
Three nines are twenty-seven,
Three tens are thirty,
Three elevens are thirty-three,
Wow, sheís pointing and whispering to her friend about me,
Three twelves are thirty-six,
Four ones are four,
Four twos are eight,
Theyíre giggling and laughing about my weight,
Four threes are twelve,
Four fours are sixteen,
Four fives are twenty,
Four sixes are twenty-four,
Donít think I like her any more,
Four sevens are twenty-six,
Four eights are thirty-one,
Four nines are thirty-seven,
Miss, I need to go to the toilet!
Strange Picture Du Jour |
Ghost Dancer !!!
This may look like an ordinary photograph from a fashion show. But look closely at the lower half of the picture - a lap dancer struts her stuff on stage. This is one of the many pictures captured at the fashion show by ghost hunters - alMOST Haunted - more at their website.
Click for more ghost pictures

Medusa Island - fabulously funny fantasy fiction.

Buy the webmaster's latest books or we shall come and haunt you. Purrfect gift for any teenager or adult.
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