Weird Artwork Collection - Nancy Farmer

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Nancy Farmer :: Short Bio:

"My paintings are largely concerned with the re-working of themes of fairytale and fantasy, mixed with many modern-day references, always trying to give a little disturbing twist to my interpretations. The result is something that hovers somewhere between fantasy and satire, and is not quite either.

I have a weakness for depicting the totally ordinary and mundane - when it is quite out of context with the subject - a sort of inappropriate normality, hence the common appearances of glasses of wine and cups of tea amongst my pictures. I like the idea, for instance, of Devils on their coffee break, after a hard morning persecuting the Damned. This kind of subject also lends itself to the sort of undertones of fetish that often colour the characters in my paintings.

Iím largely self-taught as a painter, though by background in Jewellery training may in part account for the patience to work in meticulous detail."

Visit Nancy Farmer's Websites
Dolls' website -
Gallery of Paintings -

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