Japanese, French, Korean and Italian Translation of Christmas Greetings

Weird Web Sites - Weird Translations 

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A Merry Christmas from Weird Web Sites. Have a fantastically bizarre New Year.

www.Altavista.com Japanese
Mary Christmas from incomprehensible web sight. Pass the queer New Year strangely.

www.Altavista.com French
A Merry Christmas of strange sites of Web Have a new year in an odd fantastic way.

www.Altavista.com Korean
From the web site which is weird merry christmas. Annularly flag suspicious man new year be.

www.Altavista.com Italian
Good NATO them from the fotoricettore places bizzarri. It has a new fantastic year bizzarro.

Codes Used:


AV www.babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr   

DI  www.dictionary.reference.com/translate/text.html

WL www.worldlingo.com/ 

FT www.freetranslation.com/ 

TR2 www.translation2.paralink.com/ 

Tru www.translate.ru/text.asp?lang=en 

Ch = Chinese Du = Dutch Fr = French Ge = German 

Gre = Greek It = Italian Ja = Japanese Ko = Korean 

Po = Portuguese Ru = Russian Sp = Spanish


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